Separating your life from your ex is emotionally and mentally draining.
The divorce process is even more difficult when you are unable to have a civil conversation with your ex. Here are a few things you can do to reduce the amount of conflict during divorce.
Speak through your attorney
If you have a poor relationship with your ex, you may find it challenging to speak with them directly without arguing. Tense conversations that deteriorate into arguments and veer off the subject are unproductive for everyone. To avoid conflict as much as possible, manage difficult conversations through your attorney.
Take a full accounting of assets and debts
All shared marital property is subject to division. This can lead to friction as couples argue over what they think they deserve. Take a careful accounting of all assets and debts. Determine which assets are separate property and which are marital property so that all shared marital assets and debts are equitably divided between both spouses.
Be clear about what you want
Figure out your financial and personal goals. Consider how your living situation and income will both change once you separate your life from your spouse. Figure out if you will need to ask for spousal support or if you can afford to pay spousal support. If you have children, think about how you want to handle parenting time and costs. Be clear and upfront with everything you want from the start so that conflict does not build.
The stress and arguments inherent in divorce can take an emotional toll on anyone. Keeping feelings of frustration and anger bottled up can create even more conflict. Find a trusted friend, support group or another outlet where you can safely work through your feelings.